How To Transport Yourself to Another Country Without Leaving Your Desk

I’m a firm believer of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Everything I put my mind to (and that I really thought long and hard about) materialized. I believe it’s because I really wanted it enough to make it happen.

How To Transport Yourself to Another Country Without Leaving Your Desk

Prior to travelling around Europe and working remotely for half a year, I was a mere desk traveller operating from my home city of Cape Town, South Africa. I had a strong desire to travel and see the world but couldn’t leave, just yet…Every day for a number of months I thought about ways of packing up and going. And then one day the timing was right and I did it.

But before I left I felt highly frustrated. I wanted to have the dream and I wanted it now! How did I deal with this frustrating time? I got creative and kept planning, dreaming and learning. The following are some techniques I used to keep my travel dreams alive, to curb my frustration and to help me find a bit of patience. I hope they will also guide you as a desk and soon-to-be world traveller:

1.    Immerse Yourself in a World Map

How To Transport Yourself to Another Country Without Leaving Your Desk

Buy a world map (or print out a map of the world from the internet) and start pinning. Where have you already been and where are you planning to go? Use coloured pins and get creative. Add post-it notes to your chosen destinations with a further bucket list of things to do at each particular destination. Let this world map act as a vision board that allows you to focus on your travel goals.

2.    Watch a Travel-Related Film

I came across this blog post on the Telegraph – The Top 100 Films that Inspire Travel. Start watching some of these films and be inspired!

3.    Read Travel Blogs

Reading travel blogs from different types of bloggers won’t only inspire you to travel – you’ll also learn a lot about destinations where you want to go. This will help you better prepare for visiting a town or city when you get the chance.

4.    Read Travel Books

How To Transport Yourself to Another Country Without Leaving Your Desk

Bill Bryson immediately pops to mind. His books are hilarious and very entertaining. There are many other travel writers out there – from classic travel writers to contemporary – so go explore the local library or bookstore!

5.    Start a Travel Journal 

Even if you cannot travel just yet, invest in a travel journal or notebook where you can make lists of places you’re dying to see. I use a Moleskine Travel Journal that I absolutely adore. I use it avidly to record places I’ve seen and places where I’m still keen to go.

How To Transport Yourself to Another Country Without Leaving Your Desk

Sometimes you have to do a bit of desk travelling in preparation for the real stuff. Desk travelling need not be frustrating. Live, breath and sleep your travel plan. Let your mind wander and transport it fully to where you really want to be…the rest will follow. Good luck!

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Elizabeth Joss-Bethlehem

Elizabeth Joss-Bethlehem is the founder and main writer at The Museum Times. She works as a university lecturer by day and is an avid travel blogger and arts and culture enthusiast by night. Elizabeth started The Museum Times out of the need to give smaller, lesser-known museums more exposure.

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  1. How to travel without travelling | 500adventures
  2. Side Note: Where’s your dream travel destination? | Alex Dines on Dimes

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